Valentina Klochkova
Publications of Klochkova Valentina. AGB, post-AGB stars.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. Spectral investigation of the anomalous
F-supergiant HD161796. Sov. Astron. Lett. 1988, v.14, p.77-84.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. The F-supergiants at high Galactic
latitudes. Sov. Astron. Lett. 1988, v.14, p.933-939.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. The evolutionary status of UU Her
-stars. Sov. Astron. Lett. 1989, v.15, p.617-624.
- Klochkova V.G. The chemical composition of the disk and halo stars.
Izvestija SAO, 1991, v.34, p.5-30.
- Klochkova V.G. Spectroscopical indications of the stellar
atmospheres evolution. Thesis of the Dr. of Sci. dissertation.
1991, Nizny Arkhyz, p.1-115.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. The spectroscopy of the UU Her Type
Stars. Proceed. Second ESO/CTIO Workshop on Mass Loss on the AGB and
Beyond. La Serena. 21-24 Jan. 1992. H.E.Schwarz (Ed.) p.293-297.
- Kipper T., Kipper M., Klochkova V.G. The spectrum of FG Sge in 1994.
Astron. & Astrophys. Lett. 1994, v.297, L33-36.
- Andrievsky S.M., Kovtyukh V.V., Usenko I.A., Klochkova V.G.,
Galazutdinov G.A. Chemical composition of selected double-mode
Cepheids and P/P0-[Fe/H] relation.
Astron. & Astrophys. Suppl. 1994, v.108, p.433-440.
- Galasutdinov G.A., Klochkova V.G. Spectroscopy of selected
pulsating stars: the anomalous variable V351 Cep.
Astron. & Astrophys. Transactions, 1995, v.8, p.227-237.
- Klochkova V.G. Spectroscopy of supergiants with IR-excess.
MNRAS, 1995, v.272, p.710-716.
- Zacs L., Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. The chemical composition of
post-AGB star, protoplanetary nebulae candidate IRAS 22272+5435
=SAO 34504. MNRAS, 1995, v.275, p.764-772.
- Kipper T., Jorgensen U.G., Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. Chemical
composition of metal-poor carbon stars in halo. Preprint of the
Niels Bohr Inst. 1995, NBI95-10, p.1-13.
- Usenko I.A., Kovtjukh V.V., Andrievsky S.M., Klochkova V.G.,
Galazutdinov G.A. The chemical composition of s-cepheids and
double-mode cepheids. In: Astrophysical Applications of Stellar
pulsation, R.S.Stobie and P.A.Whitelock (Eds.)
ASP Conf. Ser., 1995, v.83, p.353-354.
- Kipper T., Jorgensen U.G., Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. Chemical
composition of metal-poor carbon stars in halo.
Astron. & Astrophys. 1996, v.306, p.489-500.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. Spectroscopy of the PPN-candidate
AI CMi = IRAS 07331+0021. Bull. SAO, 1996 v.41, p.5-27.
- Klochkova V.G., Topilskaya G.P. Spectroscopic criteria for the
F-supergiants. Bull. SAO, 1996, v.41. p.52-57.
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G. The spectrum of FG Sge in 1995. IBVS. N 4346.
- Kovtjukh V.V., Andrievsky S.M., Usenko I.A. Klochkova ,V.G.
The chemical composition of s-cepheids. III. Astron. & Astrophys. 1996.
v.316, p.155.
- Zacs L., Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. The chemical composition of
post-AGB star, protoplanetary nebulae candidate HD179821.
MNRAS. 1996. v.282, p.1171.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E., Chentsov E.L. Is the UU Her a
post-AGB star? Astron. & Astrophys., 1997, v.323, p.789-796.
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G.
The chemical composition of Sakurai's object. Astron. & Astrophys. 1997,
v.324, L65.
- Klochkova V.G., Chentsov E.L., Panchuk V.E. Optical spectrum of the
IR-source IRC+10420 in 1992-1996. MNRAS, 1997, v.292, p.19-26.
- Chentsov E.L., Klochkova V.G., Mal'kova G.A. Spectral atlas of the
symbiotic star MWC560. Bull SAO, 1997, v.43, p.18-29.
- Klochkova V.G. Supergiants with large IR-excesses.
Bull SAO. 1998, v.44, p.5-29.
Klochkova V.G., Mishenina T.V. Optical spectroscopy of the infrared
source IRAS09276+4454. Bull SAO. 1998, v.44, p.83-86.
- Kovtyukh V.V., Gorlova N.I., Klochkova V.G. Determining the effective
temperature of F-G supergiants from spectroscopic criteria.
Pis'ma Astron. Zhurn, 1998, v.24, p.438-442.
- Klochkova V.G., Mishenina T.V. Chemical composition of
amospheres of two giants at the giants branch and asymptotic giants
branch inside the globular cluster M13. Astron. Zhurn, 1998, v.75,
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. Spectroscopy of supergiants
with large IR-excesses: pulsating RV Tau type stars.
Pis'ma Astron. Zhurn., 1998, v.24, p.754.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E., Szczerba R. Spectroscopy and
spectral energy distribution of the peculiar supergiant
Astrophys. and Space Sci., 1998, v.255, p.485.
- áÒÈÉÐÏ×Á ÷.ð., éËÏÎÎÉËÏ×Á î.ð., îÏÓËÏ×Á ò.é., óÏËÏÌ ç.÷., åÓÉÐÏ× ÷.æ.,
ðÉÓØÍÁ áÓÔÒÏÎ. ÖÕÒÎ., 1999, Ô.25, Ó.30-39.
- Chentsov E.L., Klochkova V.G., Tavolganskaya N.S. Spectral
atlas of two peculiar supergiants: MWC314 and IRC+10420.
Bull. SAO. 1999. V.48. p.25.
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G. The spectrum of FG Sagittae in 1998.
Inform. Bull. on Variable Stars, N4661, 1999.
- Klochkova V.G., Szczerba R., Panchuk V.E., Volk K. Peculiar
supergiant IRAS04296+3429: optical spectroscopy and its
spectral energy distribution.
Astrophys. & Astrophys., 1999, v.345, p.905.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E.
Spectroscopy of supergiants with IR-excesses: RV Tau type stars.
Astrophys. & Space Sci., 1999, v.265, p.435.
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G. The fast evolution of Sakurai's object.
Astrophys. & Space Sci., 1999, v.265, p.449.
- Klochkova V.G., Szczerba R., Panchuk V.E. Optical spectrum
of the IR-source IRAS23304+6147.
Pis'ma Astron. Zhurnal, 2000, v.26, p.115-132.
- Klochkova V.G., Mishenina T.V., Panchuk V.E.
Optical spectrum of the infrared source IRAS20004+2955 (V1027Cyg).
Pis'ma Astron Zhurnal, 2000, v.26, p.465-471.
- Klochkova V.G., Szczerba R., Panchuk V.E.
Optical spectrum of the bipolar bebula AFGL2688.
Pis'ma Astron Zhurnal, 2000, v.26, p.510-524.
- Miroshnichenko A.S., Chentsov E.L., Klochkova V.G.
AS 314: A dusty A-type hypergiant.
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 2000, v.144, p.379.
- Miroshnichenko A.S., Chentsov E.L., Klochkova V.G., Kuratov K.S.,
Sheikina T.A., Mukanov D.B., Bjorkman K.S., Gray R.O., Rudy R.J.,
Lynch D.K., Mazuk S., Puetter R., Garcia-Lario P., Perea J.V.,
Bergner Yu.K.
Spectroscopy and photometry of the emission-line B-type stars
AS78 and MWC657. A&AS, 2000, v.147, p.5.
- Arkhipova V.P., Klochkova V.G., Sokol G.V. Spectrum identification
and photometric observations of the future planetary nebula
IRAS18062+2410=V886Her in 1997-1999. Pis'ma Astron.Zhurn., 2001,
v.27, p.122-131.
- Klochkova V., Zhao G., Panchuk V., Tavolganskaja N.
Optical spectra of three AGB stars. Astron. Zhurn., 2001, v.45,
- Klochkova V.G., Szczerba R., Panchuk V.E.
Optical spectroscopy of peculiar supergiants.
Astrophys. Space Sci., 2001, v.275, p.265.
Arkhipova V.P., Ikonnikova N.P., Noskova R.I., Komissarova G.V.,
Klochkova V.G., Esipov V.F. Photometric variability and spectral features
of the protoplanetary nebula LSII+34 26=V1853Cyg.
Astronomy Letters, 2001, v.27, p.841.
Kipper T., Klochkova V.G. The spectrum of FG Saggitae after
photometric recovery in 2000. Baltic Astronomy. 2001, v.10, p.393.
- Klochkova V.G., Samus N.N. K413, a star near the AGB in globular
cluster M12. Astron. & Astrophys. 2001, v.378, p.455.
- Kipper T., Klochkova V. The spectrum of FG Sagittae after photometric
recovery in 2000. Baltic Astronomy. 2001, v.10, p.393.
- Klochkova V., Panchuk V., Tavolganskaya N. HD331319 - a post-AGB
F-supergiant with HeI lines. Astron. Lett. 2002, v.28, p.56
- Klochkova V., Panchuk V. From a star to a planetary nebula.
Priroda. 2002, N3, p.28.
- ëÌÏÞËÏ×Á ÷.ç., ðÁÎÞÕË ÷.å., ôÁ×ÏÌÖÁÎÓËÁÑ î.ó., ëÏ×ÔÀÈ ÷.÷.
ðÉÓØÍÁ áÓÔÒÏÎ. Ö., 2003, Ô.29, Ó.842-857.
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G., Annuk K., Kolka I., Leedjarv L., Puss A., Skoda P.,
Slechta M. The peculiare variable V838Mon. Astron. Astrophys., 2004,
v.416, p.1107-1116.
- Panchuk V.E., Emelianov E.V., Klochkova V.G., Romanenko V.P.
Devices of telescopes of small and moderate sizes.
Preprint Spec. Astrophys. Observ., 2004, No.195
- Klochkova V.G., Chentsov E.L. Kinematics of an envelope of the post-AGB star
V510Pup - a core of a future planetary nebula. Astron. Reports, 2004,
v.81, p.333-347.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E., Yushkin M.V., Miroshnichenko A.S.
Polarimetry of a protoplanetary nebula AFGL 2688.
Astron. Reports, 2004,
v.81, p.319-332.
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G., Annuk K., Kolka I., Leedjarv L., Puss A., Skoda P.,
Slechta M. The peculiare variable V838Mon. Astron. Astrophys., 2004,
- Miroshnichenko A.S., Gray R.O., Klochkova V.G., Bjorkman K.S.,
Kuratov K.S. Astron. Astrophys., 2004, v.427, p.937-944.
- Klochkova V.G., Chentsov E.L, Panchuk V.E., Yushkin M.V.
Discovery of spectral variability of post-AGB star SAO40039. Inform. Bull.
Var. Stars. 2005, No.5584, p.1.
- Usenko I.A., Miroshnichenko A.S., Klochkova V.G., Yushkin M.V.
Polaris, the nearest Cepheid in the Galaxy: atmosphere parameters, reddening
and chemical composition. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 2005, 362, 1219
- V.G.Klochkova, V.E.Panchuk, N.S.Tavolganskaya and G.Zhao.
Detection of spectral variability of the optical component of
the IR-source IRAS20508+2011. Astronomy Reports, 2006, v.50, No.3,
- Arkhipova V.P., Klochkova V.G., Chentsov E.L., Esipov V.F.,
Ikonnikova N.P., Komissarova G.V. Spectroscopy and photometry
of the protoplanetary nebula candidate StHalpha62=IRAS07171+1823.
Astronomy Letters, 2006, v.32, p.737.
- Turner D.G., Usenko I.A., Miroshnichenko A.S., Klochkova V.G., Panchuk
V.E. The spectroscopic orbit and pulsation mode of the cepheid Polaris.
AAS, 208, 4401, 06/2006
- Klochkova V.G., Kipper T. Optical spectroscopy of the post-AGB
carbon star CGCS6857=IRAS20000+3239. Baltic Astronomy, 2006, v.15, p.395-404.
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G. A cool R Coronae Borealis star ZUMi. 2006,
Baltic Astronomy, v.15, 531-537
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G. The optical spectrum of RCrB at the 2003 light minimum.
2006, Baltic Astronomy, v.15, 521-530
- V.G. Klochkova, E.L. Chentsov, V.E. Panchuk, N.S. Tavolgaskaya, M.V. Yushkin.
The canonical post-AGB star HD56126: the first high-resolution spectral atlas
between 401-879 nm. Baltic Astronomy, 2007, v.16, 155-157.
- V.G. Klochkova, E.L. Chentsov, N.S. Tavolgaskaya, M.V. Shapovalov.
Optical spectrum of the post-AGB star HD56126 in the wavelength interval 4010-8790 AA.
Astrophys. Bull., 2007, v.62, 162-192.
V.G. Klochkova, E.L. Chentsov, N.S. Tavolgaskaya, V.E. Panchuk.
Evolutionary state of spectral variable BD+48 1220=IRAS05040+4820.
Astron. Rep., 2007, v.51, p.642-674.
- V.G. Klochkova, V.E.Panchuk, E.L. Chentsov, M.V. Yushkin.
The evolutionary status of the semiregular variable QYSge.
2007, Astrophys. Bull., 62, 217-234.
- V.G. Klochkova, E.L. Chentsov. Kinematic structure of the atmosphere
and envelope of the post-AGB star HD56126.
Astron. Rep., 2007, v.51, 994--1003.
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G. Optical spectroscopy of RUCam, a pulsating carbon star.
2007, Baltic Astronomy, v.15, 383-396
- Usenko I.A., Klochkova V.G. Polaris~B, an optical companion of the
Polaris (alpha UMi): atmospheric parameters, chemical composition,
distance and mass. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. Letters, 2008, v.387, L1-L3.
- V.G. Klochkova, E.L. Chentsov, V.E.Panchuk. V2324Cyg - an F-star with
fast wind. Astrophys. Bull., 2008, v.63, No.2, 119-135.
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G. Optical spectrum of ZUMi during its maximum
light. 2008. Proceed. of the conference "Hydrogen-deficient stars"
held 17-21 Sept. 2007, Tubengen, Germany. Eds. K.Werner & T.Rauch.
ASP Conf. Series, v.391, p.43.
- V.G. Klochkova, E.L. Chentsov. Detection of the spectroscopic binary (SB2)
nature of BD-6 1178=IRAS05238-0626. Astrophys. Bull., 2008, v.63, No.3,
- Kipper T., Klochkova V.G. Improved parameters of the hydrogen-deficient
binary star KSPer. 2008, Baltic Astronomy, v.17, 195-207.
- V.G. Klochkova, V.E.Panchuk, N.S.Tavolganskaya.
New spectroscopic observations of the post-AGB star
V354Lac = IRAS22272+5435. Astrophys. Bull., 2009, v.64, No.2,
- V.G. Klochkova. Detection of heavy-metal lines in the spectrum of the
circumstellar envelope of a post-AGB star. Astron. Letters, 2009,
v.35, No.7, 457-465.
- A.S. Miroshnichenko, E.L.Chentsov, V.G. Klochkova, S.V.Zharikov, K.N.
Grankin, A.V.Kusakin, T.L.Gandet, G.Klinhenberg, S.Kildahl, R.J.Rudy,
D.K.Lynch, C.C.Venturini, S.Mazuk, R.C.Puetter, R.B.Perry,
A.C.Carciofi, K.S.Bjorkman, R.O.Gray, S.Bernabei, V.F.Polcaro, R.F.Viotti,
L.Norci. Towards understanding the B[e] phenomenon: III. Properties of the
optical counterpart of IRAS00470+6429. Astrophys. J, v.700, p.209, 2009.
- V.G. Klochkova, N.S.Tavolganskaya, V.E.Panchuk.
Peculiarities and variabilities in the optical spectrum of the post-AGB star
V448Lac = IRAS22223+4327. Astron. Rep., 2010, v.54, 234-246.
- T.Sahin, D.L. Lambert, V.G. Klochkova, N.S.Tavolganskaya.
High resolution optical spectroscopy of the F supergiant protoplanetary
nebula IRAS18095+2704. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 2010, v.410, 612-626.
- Klochkova V.G., Panchuk V.E. High-latitude supergiants: anomalies in the
spectrum of LN Hya in 2010. Astron. Rep., 2012, v.56, p.104-115.
- T. Kipper, V.G. Klochkova. High-resolution spectroscopy of the
hydrogen-deficient binary Upsilon Sgr. Baltic Astron., 2012, v.21, 219.
- V.G. Klochkova. Study of the physics and evolution of stars at the 6-m BTA telescope.
Astrophys. Bull., 67, No.4, 385, 2012.
- T. Kipper, V.G. Klochkova. Peculiarities and Variations in the Optical Spectrum of the
RV Tauri-type Star R Sct. Baltic Astronomy, 2013, v/22, 77-99.
- V.G.Klochkova. High-Latitude Supergiant V5112 Sgr: Enrichment of the Envelope with Heavy s-Process Metals.
Astron. Lett., 2013, 39, No.11, 765-775.
- V.G. Klochkova. Circumstellar envelope manifestations in the optical spectra of evolved stars.
Astrophys. Bull. v.69, p.279-295, 2014.
- V.G. Klochkova, E.L.Chentsov, V.E. Panchuk, E.G. Sendzikas, M.V. Yushkin. Spectral Variability of the IR Source
IRAS01005+7910 optical component. Astrophys. Bull. v.69, p.439-453, 2014.
- V.G. Klochkova, V.E. Panchuk, N.S.Tavolganskaya. Peculiarities of the atmosphere and envelope of a post-AGB star
the optical counterpartof IRAS23304+6147. Astron. Lett., v.41, p.14-22, 2015.
- V.G. Klochkova, E.G. Sendzikas, E.L. Chentsov. Spectral atlas of A-type supergiants, v.70, No.1, 89-108, Astrophys. Bull., 2015.
- V.G. Klochkova, V.E. Panchuk. The detection of heavy metals in the circumstellar envelopes
of Post-AGB stars. Astron. Reports, v.60, p.344-355, 2016.
- V.G. Klochkova, E.L. Chentsov, A.S. Miroshnichenko, V.E. Panchuk, M.V. Yushkin.
High-resolution optical spectroscopy of the yellow hypergiant V1302 Aql (=IRC+10420)
in 2001-2014. MNRAS, v.459 p.4183-4190, 2016.
- T. Sahin, D. L. Lambert, V.G. Klochkova, V.E. Panchuk. HD 79821 (V1427 Aql, IRAS 19114+0002) - a massive post-red supergiant star?
MNRAS, vol. 461, issue 4, pp. 4071-408, 2016.
- V.G. Klochkova, V.E. Panchuk, and N.S. Tavolganskaya. New in the optical spectrum and kinematic state
of the atmosphere of the variable V1027 Cyg (= IRAS 20004+2955). Astron. Lett., 2, No.12, 819-829, 2016.
- V.G.Klochkova, E.L.Chentsov, V.E.Panchuk, N.S.Tavolganskaya, M.V.~Yushkin, Unstable wind in the system of the infrared
source RAFGL 5081. Astron. Rep. v.61, 962-972, 2017.
- V.G.Klochkova, E.G.Sendzikas, E.L.Chentsov. On the evolutionary status of high-latitude variable V534 Lyr.
Astrophys. Bull. v.73, No.1, p.52-61, 2018.
- V.G.Klochkova, V.E.Panchuk, N.S.Tavolzhanskaya. Changes of the optical spectrum of the hypergiant rho
Cas due to a shell ejection in 2013. Astron. Rep. v.62, No.9, 623-635, 2018.
- Kraus, M.; Kolka, I.; Aret, A.; Nickeler, D. H.; Maravelias, G.; Eenmae, T.; Lobel, A.; Klochkova, V. G.
A new outburst of the yellow hypergiant star rho Cas. MNRAS, Vol.483, Issue 3, p.3792-3809, 2019.
V.Klochkova, Spectroscopy of supergiants with infrared excess: results of 1998-2018. Astrophys Bull,
v.74, No.2, 140-160, 2019.
- V. G. Klochkova, V. E. Panchuk, and M. V. Yushkin. Results of selected stellar spectroscopy programs at the
6-m Telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences performed with the NES echelle
spectrograph. Astrophys Bull, v.77, No.1, 92-103, 2022.
post-AGB Ú×ÅÚÄÙ LS\,III\,+52$\degr$24 (IRAS\,22023+524). áÓÔÒÏÎ. ö, Ô.99, No 5, 428--440, (2022).
- V. G. Klochkova, V. E. Panchuk. Detailed Spectroscopy of Post-AGB Supergiant GSC 04050?02366 in
IRAS Z02229+6208 IR Source System. Astrophys Bull, v.77, No.3, 250-259, 2022.
August 26, 2022.
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Klochkova V.G.
August 26, 13:45:27 GMT+0300 202