int listofnumbers[50];
BEWARE: In C Array subscripts start at 0 and end one less than the array size. For example, in the above case valid subscripts range from 0 to 49. This is a BIG difference between C and other languages and does require a bit of practice to get in the right frame of mind.
Elements can be accessed in the following ways:-
Multi-dimensional arrays can be defined as follows:
int tableofnumbers[50][50];
for two dimensions.
For further dimensions simply add more [ ]:
int bigD[50][50][40][30]......[50];
Elements can be accessed in the following ways:
In C Strings are defined as arrays of characters. For example, the following defines a string of 50 characters:
char name[50];
C has no string handling facilities built in and so the following are all
char firstname[50],lastname[50],fullname[100];
firstname= "Arnold"; /* Illegal */
lastname= "Schwarznegger"; /* Illegal */
fullname= "Mr"+firstname
+lastname; /* Illegal */
However, there is a special library of string handling routines which we will come across later.
To print a string we use printf with a special %s control character:
NOTE: We just need to give the name of the string.
In order to allow variable length strings the 0 character is used to
indicate the end of a string.
So we if we have a string, char NAME[50]; and we store the ``DAVE'' in it its contents will look like:
Exercise 12335
Write a C program to read through an array of any type. Write a C program to scan through this array to find a particular value.
Exercise 12336
Read ordinary text a character at a time from the program's standard input, and print it with each line reversed from left to right. Read until you encounter end-of-data (see below).
You may wish to test the program by typing
prog5rev | prog5revto see if an exact copy of the original input is recreated.
To read characters to end of data, use a loop such as either
char ch; while( ch = getchar(), ch >= 0 ) /* ch < 0 indicates end-of-data */or
char ch; while( scanf( "%c", &ch ) == 1 ) /* one character read */
Exercise 12337
Write a program to read English text to end-of-data (type control-D to indicate end of data at a terminal, see below for detecting it), and print a count of word lengths, i.e. the total number of words of length 1 which occurred, the number of length 2, and so on.
Define a word to be a sequence of alphabetic characters. You should allow for word lengths up to 25 letters.
Typical output should be like this:
length 1 : 10 occurrences length 2 : 19 occurrences length 3 : 127 occurrences length 4 : 0 occurrences length 5 : 18 occurrences ....To read characters to end of data see above question.