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  • Vitkovskij, V. Network and Data Bank at SAO. Baltic Astronomy, v.6, p.327.
  • Verkhodanov, O. V.; Trushkin, S. A.; Chernenkov, V. N. Cats : a Database System of Astrophysical Catalogs. Baltic Astronomy, v.6, p.275-278.
  • Yu.Parijskij, A.Kopylov, N.Soboleva, O.Verkhodanov, A.Temirova, O.Zhelenkova, P.Tsibulev, A.Chepurnov, V.Stolyarov, N.Bursov. Dark Ages of the Universe, Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics: Primodial Cosmology, ed. Sanchez and Zichichi, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 446-468.


Тезисы, отчёты

  • Verkhodanov, O. V.; Trushkin, S. A.; Andernach, H.; Chernenkov, V. N. The CATS Database to Operate with Astrophysical Catalogs. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI, A.S.P. Conference Series, Vol. 125, 1997, Gareth Hunt and H. E. Payne, eds., p. 322.
  • Shergin, V. S.; Verkhodanov, O. V.; Chernenkov, V. N.; Erukhimov, B. L.; Gorokhov, V. L.Non-parametric Algorithms in Data Reduction at RATAN-600. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI, A.S.P. Conference Series, Vol. 125, 1997, Gareth Hunt and H. E. Payne, eds., p. 182.
  • Yu.Parijskij, A.Kopylov, N.Soboleva, O.Verkhodanov, A.Temirova, O.Zhelenkova, P.Tsibulev, A.Chepurnov, V.Stolyarov, N.Bursov. Dark Ages of the Universe, Proc. of the International School of Astrophysics "D.CHALONGE", Erice, Italy, 1997.
  • Parijskij Yu.N., Goss W.M., Kopylov A.I., Soboleva N.S., Temirova A.V., Verkhodanov O.V., Zhelenkova O.P. Nature of RC catalog radio sources: estimation of redshifts and physical conditions in objects of the "Big Trio" program. In "Problems of modern radio astronomy" (in Russian). 2007. Proc. of the 27th Radio astronomical conf. St.-Petersburg. V.1., P.193-194.
  • The Program of Distant Radio Galaxies in Special Astrophysical Observatory of Russia. Parijskij, Yu.N.; Goss, W.M.; Kopylov, A.I.; Soboleva, N.S.; Temirova, A.V.; Verkhodanov, O.V.; Zhelenkova, O.P. JENAM-97, Greece, 2-5 July, 1997, p. 202. (abstract)